An enhanced version of the 24-game solver using recursive search and pruning.

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24-Game Solver

24-Game Solver


The 24-Game Solver is designed to solve the classic 24-point game by using recursive search with pruning techniques. It also includes OpenMP parallelization to leverage multi-core processors and provides a progress bar for real-time monitoring during the search process.

Users can either use the default settings or customize them according to their preferences. The program outputs include:

  • The first valid solution to the 24-game.
  • Detailed recursive steps and expressions for the solution.

Additionally, the solver supports varying numbers of inputs (up to 8) and halts the search as soon as a valid solution is found.


  • Recursive Search with Pruning: The solver efficiently explores number combinations to reach the target value of 24.
  • Progress Bar: Visual feedback is provided during the search process, showing the percentage of progress.
  • OpenMP Parallelization: The solver utilizes OpenMP to speed up the recursive search on multi-core systems.
  • Commutative Operation Optimization: Optimizes operations such as addition and multiplication to avoid redundant calculations.
  • Supports Up to 8 Inputs: Flexible input options for solving the 24-game with different numbers of inputs.
  • Automatic Halting: The solver stops as soon as it finds the first valid solution, saving computational resources.

How to Use

  1. Compile the Program
    Ensure you have a Fortran compiler that supports OpenMP (e.g., gfortran). Compile the program with OpenMP support:

bash gfortran -fopenmp -O3 -march=native -o game24_ultra src/game24_ultra.f90

@note Note

   OpenMP is essential for maximizing the performance of the solver. It's highly recommended to compile the program with optimization flags like `-O3` for maximum optimization and `-march=native` to leverage the specific features of your CPU architecture.
  1. Run the Program
    Execute the compiled program:

bash ./game24_ultra

  1. Follow the Prompts
  2. Enter the Number of Inputs: Specify how many numbers (between 1 and 8) you want to use.
  3. Provide Input Numbers or Card Values: Input the numbers or card values (A=1, J=11, Q=12, K=13).
  4. View the Solution: The program will display the first valid solution found or notify you if no solution exists.

Developer Info

Gilbert Young

An atypical physics student